Newhaven Research
Published Reports
PDF files and links are supplied where permitted - download pdf reader here
- SHBVN Local Housing Strategy Sub Group: Workplan, Scottish Housing Best Value Network
- Perth and Kinross Future Housing Demand, Supply and Needs Issues Paper, Perth and Kinross Council
- Perth and Kinross Housing Quality Issues Paper, Perth and Kinross Council
- Perth and Kinross Sustaining Communities Issues Paper, Perth and Kinross Council
- Clackmannanshire Future Housing System Balance Issues Paper, Clackmannanshire Council
- Clackmannanshire Housing Quality Issues Paper, Clackmannanshire Council
- East Renfrewshire Local Housing Strategy Option Appraisal Workshops Report, East Renfrewshire Council
- More, A. Maclennan, D., and O'Sullivan, A. (2003) Estimating Affordable Housing Requirements: Report to West Lothian Council, West Lothian Council
- More, A. Maclennan, D. and O'Sullivan, A. (2003) West Lothian Housing Market: Choices, Changes And Affordability: Report to West Lothian Council, West Lothian Council
- Craigforth and Newhaven (2003) Clackmannanshire Private Housing Market Report, Clackmannanshire Council
- Experian BSL and Newhaven (2003) Housing and Migration: A Conceptual Model for North West England, North West Development Agency
- Securing the Future: Housing for the Hebrides - Developing the Western Isles Local Housing Strategy 2004-2009, Western Isles Council
- Assessing the Impact of REAL Community Learning Centres, Scottish Enterprise Glasgow and Glasgow City Council Cultural and Leisure Services
- Will The Real Owner-Occupiers Please Stand Up? What Motivates Owner-Occupier Repair And Maintenance Expenditure In Scotland? Scottish Consumer Council
- South Lanarkshire Local Housing Strategy Strategic Option Appraisal Workshop Report, South Lanarkshire Council
- Scottish Housing Quality Standard Briefing Note, Housing Quality Network, York
- Scottish Housing Quality Standard Delivery Plans, Housing Quality Network, York
- Fuel Poverty in Scotland, Housing Quality Network, York
- Scottish House Condition Survey 2002: Glasgow Report, Glasgow City Council
- Housing In Scotland No 1: "State Of The Nation", Housing Quality Network, York
- Affordable Housing Needs in South Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire Council
- Clackmannanshire Homelessness Steering Group: An Effectiveness Review, Clackmannanshire Council
- Clackmannanshire Housing System: Current Trends and Prospects, Clackmannshire Council
- Scottish House Condition Survey 2002: Edinburgh Private Sector Analysis, City of Edinburgh Council
- Craigforth and Newhaven (2004) Understanding the Dynamics of Low Demand in Owner Occupation in East Ayrshire and North Lanarkshire, Communities Scotland
- Craigforth and Newhaven (2004) Achieving A Better Understanding Of The Private Rented Sector In North Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire Council
- Craigforth and Newhaven (2004) Achieving A Better Understanding Of The Private Rented Sector In East Dunbartonshire, East Dunbartonshire Council
- O'Sullivan, A., Young, G., Maclennan, D., Gibb, K., McLaren, J., Britain, A., Dowie A., and Thornton, C (2004), Local Housing Systems Analysis, A Good Practice Guide, Communities Scotland
- Local Housing Strategies: Two Steps Forward? Chartered Institute of Housing
- Housing In Scotland No 2: "Affordable Housing", Housing Quality Network, York
- Attitudes To Home Repair And Maintenance Among Homeowners In Lanarkshire: North and South Lanarkshire Councils
- Edinburgh Owners Attitudes to Home Repair And Maintenance: Focus Group Summary Report, City of Edinburgh Council
- The Emerging Policy Framework for Private Housing In Scotland: Briefing Note, City of Edinburgh Council
- Housing Disrepair in Scotland: Evidence from the Scottish House Condition Survey 2002 - a briefing note, Scottish Consumer Council
- Housing in Scotland No 3: "State of the Nation", Housing Quality Network
- Housing in Scotland No 4: "The Housing (Scotland) Bill 2005", Housing Quality Network
- Housing in Scotland No 5: "State of the Nation", Housing Quality Network
- Right To Buy In Scotland: Impacts Of The Current Policy Framework And Options For Reform, Chartered Institute of Housing
- Clackmannshire Housing Needs Assessment Clackmannanshire Council
- Cairngorms National Park Authority Housing Workshop Report, Cairngorms National Park Authority
- Park Plan: Housing Issues Paper: Cairngorms National Park Authority
- Craigforth and Newhaven (2005) Glasgow Housing Association Rental Comparability Study, Glasgow Housing Association
- Housing in Scotland No 6: "The Scottish Regeneration Policy Statement", Housing Quality Network
- Housing in Scotland No 7: "State of the Nation", Housing Quality Network
- Housing Information Review, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park
- Aberdeenshire Private Sector Housing Analysis and Issues Paper, Aberdeenshire Council
- Private Sector Housing Strategy Option Appraisal Workshops Report, Aberdeenshire Council
- Understanding the Funding Maze A Guide To Funding Sources For Community Care Services Joint Improvement Team, Scottish Government
- Glass, A., McGregor, A., McTier, A., O'Sullivan, A., and Young, G (2006) Affordable Housing and the Labour Market in Scotland, Communities Scotland
- The Future of Social Housing in Scotland, Chartered Institute of Housing: Edinburgh. pdf
- Affordable Housing Needs in South Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire Council
- Affordability and Migration within the Ayrshire Housing System, Communities Scotland
- Falkirk Council Affordable Housing Needs Assessment Reviewed Falkirk Council
- South Ayrshire Area Profiling Tool: Pressured Housing Signals, South Ayrshire Council
- Newhaven and Craigforth (2007) Moray Housing Needs and Market Study, Communities Scotland and Moray Council
- Newhaven and Craigforth (2007) Western Isles Housing Needs Assessment, Comhairle Eilean Siar
- Glasgow University and Newhaven (2007) Determining the Impact of Rent Policy Changes On RTB Sales in Glasgow, Glasgow Housing Association
- Wilcox S and Newhaven (2007a) Social Sector Rents In Scotland: An Analysis Of Rents In 2005/6 And A Review Of Future Policy Options, Scottish Executive
- Newhaven Research and Wilcox S (2007) Developing an Operating Cost Index For Scottish Local Authority Landlords: An Exploratory Analysis, Scottish Executive
- All Pain No Gain? Delivering Affordable Housing Through The Planning System, Chartered Institute of Housing pdf
- Hebridean Housing Partnership Board Management Plan Event 2008 Report, Hebridean Housing Partnership
- Independent Evaluation of the North Lanarkshire Local Housing Strategy Including The Strategic Housing Investment Plan, North Lanarkshire Council
- Review Of The Highland Housing Alliance And The Highland Revolving Landbank Fund, Scottish Government on behalf of the Housing Supply Taskforce
- Scottish Housing Digest Bulletin, Chartered Institute for Housing in Scotland
- The Potential Role of Extra Care Housing In The Spectrum of Housing Provision For Older People in the Western Isles Western Isles Council
- Glasgow University and Newhaven (2008) Explaining the Relative Development Costs of Social Housing in Scotland, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
- Glasgow University and Newhaven (2008) Housing Market Analysis Study: Larne A Report to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Northern Ireland Housing Executive
- Maclennan D and O'Sullivan T (2008) Housing Policies For Scotland: Challenges And Changes, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Newhaven Research and Glasgow University (2008) The Credit Crunch and the Scottish Housing System, Chartered Institute for Housing in Scotland pdf
- Glasgow University, Reading University, Strathclyde University and Newhaven Research Scottish Model Of Housing Supply And Affordability, Scottish Government
- Gibb K, O'Sullivan T and Glossop C (2008) Home Economics: How Housing Shapes City Economies Centre for Cities Policy Institute pdf
- Scottish Housing Digest Bulletin, Chartered Institute for Housing in Scotland
- Monitoring Telecare Progress Joint Improvement Team, Scottish Government
- Hebridean Housing Partnership Board Business Planning Workshop 2009 Report, Hebridean Housing Partnership
- Craigforth and Newhaven (2009) A review of good practice in local authority engagement with the private rented sector drawn from case studies across the UK, including options for working with private landlords to house homeless, Scottish Government
- Craigforth and Newhaven (forthcoming) Assessing Housing Need, Demand And Affordability
- In The Greater Dundee Housing Market Area Dundee City Council and Dundee Partnership
- Young G, O'Sullivan T and Gibb K (forthcoming) Northern Ireland Housing Market Areas
- Northern Ireland Housing Executive
- Gibb K, and O'Sullivan T (forthcoming) Housing-led Regeneration and the Local Impacts of the Credit Crunch, Local Economy